Cardcaptor Sakura DIY iPhone case tutorial

by - 4/17/2015

Hi guys! so I'm back with another blog post, but this time, it's not just any old review or candy kit tutorial I'll be doing, this is a Kawaii DIY phone case tutorial! I posted a photo of the finished product a few days ago and people have been leaving comments expressing their excitement with the tutorial I'll be doing, so first of, I'll be listing all the materials needed, and at the end, i'll be giving TIPS so make sure to read the whole post before asking questions lol


  1. CLEAR phone case. It doesn't have to be an iphone case, it can be any phone case you want as long as it's a clear one and preferably rubber or silicone texture. I got mine at Alabang Town Center, but most "Tiangges" have these clear cases, and even amazon or ebay. 

2.) Your Sakura Card stationary or Clow card stationary (whichever works for you)
WHERE TO GET YOUR CCS STATIONARY: you can order/purchase your own pad of kawaii CCS stationary from JapanLover.Me Store (you can follow the instructions on how to order and they'll be ordering it for you!)

3.) Kawaii Stickers you may want to stick to the case (OPTIONAL)

4.) Pencil and Eraser

5.) Extra Accessories 

6.) Scissors or Cutter


**Disclaimer: My boyfriend traced and cut the paper out for me so credits to the amazing mike for the awesome and flawless cutting, but WARNING, there was a mistake made here, which will be corrected later on**

First, you place the case on top of the Sakura stationary and trace out the case on the paper.

After tracing it out, if you don't have a cutter, you can use scissors, but if you don't want to fold the paper to cut in between the camera hole, you can actually cut from the top, cut the circle, then tape the back of the paper and it's not noticeable from the front. 

Don't forget to cut the edges as well!

Once you've taped the back, you barely notice the cut on the top part to cut the camera hole

NOW, here's the mistake, when we were about to attach it, we realized he traced in the wrong face of the paper, which ended up being on the opposite side, so, what he did, was he taped back the hole he cut out, traced it again, and cut another hole on the other end (the correct end) and we just placed the paper under the case before inserting the phone, and voila!

If you can see, I actually sticked a sticker just to divert the attention from that hole, so DON'T make the same mistake we did lol! My case actually had holes for accessories to go through, so I added my CCS star key pendant and sakurafied my phone!

You can also get the star key from JapanLover.Me Store so order now!

  • Make sure you're paper is facing the right direction before tracing and cutting
  • Order these awesome sakura papers/stationary pad from 
  • You can choose other designs as well for the star key
  • if you have a larger phone, for example an iphone 6 or a note 3 or 4, just use more than 1 stationary (when you order this it comes in a pad so there's a lot) cut between the stationary and just combine them one by one on the inside of your case, sort of like a puzzle, again you can use more than 1 paper for larger phones, for smaller phones, just trace and cut through it.  
  • No need to glue/stick the paper to the case, because it will be on the inside of the case so that it will look like it's printed onto the case itself
  • AGAIN for larger phones, use more than 1 paper, if you want, you can actually label them underneath to make them look like they're different sakura or clow cards.
  • ANOTHER thing you can do is order the blank sakura card. (from JapanLover.Me as well) If you notice on the first picture, you'll see sakura cards that are blank, it's the front view not the back view, and you can draw/design/name them anyway you want, and they are also larger than the actual paper I used on my phone, so you can totally use those as well, plus! you get a more customized feel to it!
    here's an example by Jenni our kawaii illustrator at the Cardcaptor Sakura Club
(photo from Jenni Illustrations)

These sheets are larger so you can order these instead for larger phones if you want to customize/draw as well!

So those are the tips that I can give you but if you still need help, feel free to leave a comment! 
That's it for this post! bye bee!

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