Tamashii Convention 2015
Finally blogging about the Japanese and kawaii experience in Tamashii Convention 2015 which took place last March 28, 2015 at the SMX Convention Center! Kawaii PH took part as a special sponsor, where we hosted a Kawaii Fashion show featuring a couple of kawaii brands/designers, and we also had a Kawaii PH and a JapanLover.Me booth!
Quick warning though, this post will be filled with photo spams so be ready~ *wink wink*
I went to the venue with Kaye (Dolly Kaye) and Wynona (Vanilla Fairy), we actually had a bumpy morning because we were so tired we had to commute to get to the venue, after we arrived, we fixed a couple of things, then started practicing for the fashion show. My boyfriend Mike went with his brother and a couple of friends, and they arrived just in time for the fashion show!
It was actually my first time modeling, and I was the only model to model for 2 brands that time, La Princess Tea Doll and for Rainbowholic x Lucypop Japan Kawaii Girl Uniform
The La Princess Tea Doll Collection was by ms, Barbie Chua and it was so beautiful! we practiced real hard for it!
This was what I was wearing, it's so frilly and kawaii but gothic and classy at the same time!
Isn't the collection beautiful!? We were the 2nd ones to go one stage which was perfect because Rainbowholic was last and I had time to change lol
I also met new friends from the team!
This was a super kawaii shot before we went out~
And here are the other designs as well!
Dolly Kaye's Pastel wedding theme! it was so kawaii!
I also love Dorotee Sweetlips collection! Magical Forest theme it was so pretty!
These were my personal faves aside from the ones I modeled of course! If you want to see the entire album and other designs, you can visit the Kawaii PH FB page where we uploaded a lot of fashion show photos!
And my favorite moment, of the show, the Rainbowholic fashion show!
I modeled with the Kawaii PH Ambassadress Gia, and the Kawaii Unicorn Celinaa!
In our case, we didn't have ANY practice at all! Since we were the last, we didn't have time because the doors were about to open! so we were super confused and nervous! we kept laughing on stage and we didn't know what to do
(back stage with the gerlz)
We were super happy since we had no idea what we were doing and what we're going to do! lol! we were just holding hands but, we had no idea what we looked like haha!
After the fashion show, I met up with my bae and we had lunch together!
Then they changed into their cosplays!
It was Mike's first time cosplaying! as well as his brother! He cosplayed as Kyouya Hibari and his brother cosplayed Kaneki! lol
A selfie is a must with my lovey dovey lol!
And, here comes more photo spams!
I really loved the Matsuri feel in this convention! There was an Omikuji and the goldfish scooping! my boyfriend got me two! hihi!
Everything was super fun! Me and wynona took a picture of our... FISHEEEEEYYYYS! (pun intended, imitating Darla from Finding Nemo)
hehehe! all of wynona's fisheys died already.... -_-
Mine are still okay! hahaha!
I also bought a lovely dress from Dolly Kaye of course! and a shirt from Mad Tea Party! Gotta support your own group! haha!
These our the stuff I got!
And this is what the booth looked like!
I wore the dress for a while hihi~ It's soooo cute! I really love the dress! will be wearing this A LOT haha!
My BF wanted to take a pic with me wearing the dress hihihi!
then I changed AGAIN haha! They were all kidding and joking around that I was #modelngbayan that day because of my outfit changes, and it was also my debut lol haha! they were kidding this was my debut celebration and that I was a debutant with a lot of outfit changes!
I also finally met a fellow Kawaii PH blogger Chai-senpai!
We both wore the Rainbowholic Uniform hihi!
And last but not least, selfies with le bae before the event ended!
I love youuuu thank you for being supportive hihihi!
And thank you to Wynona for "nonafying" me by fixing my hair and make up hohohoho!
Thank you to everyone who supported Kawaii PH as well!
The shirts were almost sold out and a lot of Whimsicute accessories as well!
the Kawaii FUND shirt WERE ALSO SOLD OUT!!
Thank you so much to everyone who supported Kawaii PH/ JapanLover.Me and the event itself!
Till next time!