DIY Meiji Takoyaki Candy Kit Tutorial and Review

by - 4/20/2015

And mica's back with another Candy Kit tutorial and review! *clap clap clap* this time it's the Meiji Takoyaki DIY candy kit! I actually have high expectations on this because it's Meiji, so! I properly took pictures this time, and will be writing a tutorial and later on my verdict on the candy!
So first, lez go ahead and open the candy and see what we got!

So we got 4 packets, a spoon/mixer, and the takoyaki mold!
The pink packet is for the takoyaki mix, the orange one is the octopus jellies, the silver one is for the sauce, and the green one is for the toppings~

First, separate the takoyaki mold from the water/mixture mold

Then pour in the contents of the pink packet into this container, and add water just where the line would be (there's a line in the container itself) and start mixing

Once you get a foamy texture, pour the mixture in halfway in the takoyaki mold, make sure you dont fill up the whole circle

Once you've completed it, it's now time to add the octopus gummies to the mold then with the remaining mixture, cover/fill everything up

Once you've poured everything, give it a good 1 to 2 minutes before flipping the takoyaki's over.
Use the spoon to flip it over

It looks smoother and better once you've flipped it~
Then take the silver packet, and pour the sauce on top

After that, take the green packet, cut just a small hole, and carefully tap the packet on top of the takoyaki

And voila!

You've got your own candy Takoyaki set!
Taste verdict, they actually taste like regular gummies lol, but I suggest you use cold water for the mixture because it feels good when you're chewing the candy~
overall I'd give it an 8/10 score~

You can buy these in Trinoma, I think 2nd floor beside the escalator, there's a food bin stall and they sell a bunch of candy kits and you can get this for only 180 php!
You can also order through their Instagram acct : thefoodbin
Or you can also order online from amazon and from candy kit stores!

Thank you for visiting and hope you visit again!

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