
by - 3/04/2015

I recently bought this super cute Glico themed pencil case! I was always looking for the perfect kawaii pencil case for me since I'm currently reviewing my Hiragana/Katakana again, and I was happy I found this one! I'm planning on taking the JLPT N5 this year, but hopefully I pass, I've never had any formal education in Nihongo, I just did self study since before, but I needed to brush up on my kana's and a few kanji characters~

it's a good thing I have a bunch of Pocky's to get me through the reviewing lol! anyone else here who's going to take this years JLPT? maybe we can review together~ I'll also be reviewing for the Civil Service exams this year, I'll be taking the professional license one so I can apply for a more challenging/rewarding position IF I pass it haha!

by the way, HAPPY MARCH EVERYONE! It's already March and later today, I may be posting something about my favorite Jpop group and my memories with them~

Have a nice day!

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