Kawaii PH with Tamashii Convention Team Meeting
March 14, 2015, the Kawaii PH team assigned to handle the Kawaii Fashion for this years Tamashii Convention had a meeting with Nihon Kenkyuukai, the people behind this exciting con! Basically, we talked about the fashion show mainly and the prizes we will be giving out to the winners of the Kawaii Street snap! Chai of Ohmylittlegirl will be our ninja photographer who will be roaming around to capture the guests who are coming in their Kawaii outfits! And the prizes will be coming from JapanLover.Me store straight from Japan! which will be a surprise for now, I think the Tamashii Con page will be posting the prizes soon!
We also talked about the program flow of the show/con, and the time we'd need to set up, practice, etc. Actually, instead of a meeting, this also seems like a chat moment, cause we mostly talked about random stuff! lol! we had our meeting at Bubble Tea in Trinoma, and as usual, I ordered my favorite, Omurice!
There were also other people who came because they had a meet up schedule to get tickets for the event! So while we were resting, we took pictures!
Me with my favorite Nona-chan! She just got her Sakura Staff that day as well! it was super well made and only for 300 php!! I'm planning on ordering one for myself, for random purposes cause I dont cosplay (yet) lol haha!
Of course I also had to take selfies with it!
ahhh! I really love the lighting in the restaurant! I look so smooth! -w- hihihi! Do you notice something different? that's right, I'm wearing contact lenses! the first pair I got for myself! it's gray, and Kaye and nona said I don't look like I have contacts on because my eyes are super small lol
Me with the super talented Chichi! (our mommy haha!) and Kaye borrowed my phone and took selfies with nona and their magical pendants! haha!
Sadly, I forgot to take a selfie with Dolly Kaye! ;A;
But we do have this picture!
We met up at 2 pm, and ended at 5:30! We had a really nice talk with the NKK peeps and we all had super fun!
Who's going to Tamacon??? Please do! We'll see you there!