Ulzzang Pistol Album Launch Videos!

by - 11/06/2014

Hey Hey Lovelies! For today's blog post, I will be sharing the videos of my performance with Zeon (Ulzzang Pistol) during his Album Launch last October! I know it's super late, but hey! better late than never right?
So as I mentioned in the post about his album launch (blog post link HERE) I performed 3 songs from Zeon's album GIRLFRIEND and they were, "Secret Love", "danceforever", and "bubblegum" I sang with a cutie voice hihi! If you guys don't know, they're all in Japanese~

So the first song we performed was secret Love! it was my first time singing LIVE!
so I was super stiff~ lol! the video quality is okay, but when the mic gets too loud in the video, you hear this "mooooooong" sound in the video~ 

I was super nervous my hands were shaking lol~ plus I was off pitch A LOT of times~ and I'm sorry about my chubby-ness lolssss
and you can hear the "moooooooong" sound when it gets loud so again sorry bout that~

Next is a medley between danceforever and Bubblegum!

There's a lot of moooong sound here~ but yeah I'm a rapper lol!
Zeon was super amazing! his effects and dj-ing skills are epic!

He added effects to my mic and it sounded awesome!!! We're planning on performing again in Kawaii in Manila 3! 

I would like to thank my boyfriend for taking these videos! he's super supportive even though he's not into these things really, but he came to watch me! thank you baby! at the end of the video I can actually hear him "whooo" - ing lol!

That's it for today!

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