Tokyo Design Festa 2014!

by - 11/11/2014

So last weekend, Kawaii Philippines was at Design Festa in Tokyo! of course lead by none other than our Kawaii PH founder Kaila Ocampo! and! she was able to meet up with our fellow Kawaii PH bloggers AshleyMich, and Satchiko! There were a lot of guests and kawaii people who attended the Design Festa! and the Kawaii PH booth was beyond kawaii, Kaila and the other's took it to the next level

(credits to Kawaii PH and Enji for the photos!)

Kaila with the other Kawaii PH bloggers Mich and Satchiko!

Kawaii creations by Enji
The Kawaii PH & Enji booth were set up so kawaii! The items are super adorable! just take a look at these photos!

wooot! the Rainbowholic x Lucypop Japan Unifrom on display!

Kaila with the master behind enji and fellow kawaii ph blogger ashley!

As usual, Kaila really brings Blythe everywhere she goes! lol and the artwork of Chichi Romero (littlemisspaintbrush) is suuper kawaii! 

Merchandies sold to these kawaii fellows!

(Satchiko and mich)

Ah!! KERA and Tokyo Fashion Model Haruka!

and with Brandon!

Everyone seems to have enjoyed which is good! and hopefully a lot of people purchased Kawaii PH goods! 
Kaila was not feeling well but hopefully she enjoyed the event and everyone who visited the booth were all smiles!!
Next time I hope I can join as well! 

for now bye lovelies!

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