Happy Birthday to my baby!
I want to dedicate this blog post to my one and only bae! Michael Zafra! He's 24 today (November 2, 2014) and we celebrated his birthday yesterday! He picked me up at my house yesterday and I gave him the present I bought for him! He was like... WOAH you got me a present! and I was like... of course I did!
And he guessed the present correctly!
(it's a custom to open a present with your mouth open)
I got him boat shoes! awwww yeah~ It's like my first serious (or at least expensive) gift for him! Super happy it fits! I was actually worried that it might be too big or too small for him, but he did use it right away~
and so! we went to the mall, walked around, bought some stuff, and! ate dinner!

You'd think this is like a bag for fries (when you order take out) but it's my new lunch bag! it has a snap clip or whatever you call it in the middle when you open the bag up, and the inside has like the silver foam you see inside normal lunch bags! it's super cute right?
and I also found these kawaii figures in a gachapon!
It's kinda like the one that can be hung in mugs or glasses! they're super cute!
and finally, we had dinner at... Bubble Tea!
we both ordered the classic Omu rice, and I gotta say, the egg in their Omu rice is the best scrambled egg or omelet, I've tasted in my whole life, and I love eggs like seriously!
The egg is like the fluffiest, softest, tastiest omelet ever!
I highly recommend it!
and of course, we took a lot of selfies, and I mean... A LOT
I think this is just the half of the selfies we took, we still have like a lot more in my album! but! we had so much fun yesterday and yes, I was wearing the Kawaii Girl Uniform!
It's my favorite top! cos it's so kawaii and unique!
Happy birthday baby boy, I want you to know, that I love you very much and I'm always here for you, I know you have a lot going on right now in your life, but never forget you can always count on me, if you need me, I'll do my best to be there as soon as I can for you, I want you to feel that you are important to me, and that I love you super duper from the moon and back!
I love you baby! Happy Birthday!
Okay! that's it for today! gawsh me so corny but hey! it's his birthday so I'm giving him the love he deserves!
bye lovelies!