Life Lately JUNE-JULY

by - 7/23/2016

Finally a Life lately post, I was inspired by Chai's "life lately posts".. I love how she summarizes her fun times through 1 post so I decided to make one since I barely have time to blog a lot of things in separate posts.. (lol) So this post is about what I've been up to from JUNE to somewhat mid JULY~
(it's not much since I'm a NEET =3=) but yeah... so.. yeah.. lol!

I've been playing Digimon Cybersleuths on my PS Vita lately, so I'm taking a rest from my 3DS and Fire Emblem playing lol~ I've also been doing a few OOTD shots lately, unlike before where I RARELY take some haha! Work has been very hectic recently so I didn't go out much and there's not much to tell~

but I recently went out with my College friends and I was sooo happy!

We went out for dinner and had fun reminiscing our good o'l times together lol we felt so old!

Important selfies of course! aha! we had dinner at Cafe Shibuya (our all time favorite!)

as usual I ordered my favorite Chicken Parmigiana!! But this time, I also decided to try their dessert

THIS WAS HEAVEN! it's fererro hazelnut something something toast lol~ but it was sooooo good!

I'll try their strawberry next time tho haha!

I'm also reading a lot of BL mangas lately since a few weeks ago was just the BLush con and I did a haul post before~ feel free to check it out! haha! I also bought a bunch of sailor moon stuff lately so haha I don't need to wonder where my money went...lolol

I got the pen and mechanical pencil sailor moon from Tokyo Fanatics! so check out their FB page!

 and also... I GOT A HAIR CUT!! I originally wanted it to be at least below the shoulders... I don't know what happened there but.. I'll just live with it ahaha!

For now I'll end this post with this "supposed-to-be-serious-OOTD-shot-but-coworkers-making-me-laugh-shot"  haha! Will be updating my blog again soon and I cant wait to release my "SPEAK JAPANESE WITH MICA" blog series! I'm working hard to produce it so hope you'll find it helpful soon! please loo out for it!

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