BLush Conventio 2016 (Haul)

by - 7/11/2016

Finally, the event I was waiting for since April/May... BLush Convention (held 7/9/16)! It's the ultimate (and only so far) BL or Boys Love convention in the Philippines! it's their 3rd convention this year, and I was able to attend the 1st one as well! (I still have my loots from that time lol), I wasn't able to attend the second one so I had to make sure I participated in the 3rd one! This year's con was actually SUPER JAM PACKED! I wasn't able to take pictures during the con because there were so many people!

So, I will be sharing with you guys my BL haul from the convention! (by the way they showed Doukyuusei and episodes from Sekaichii Hatsukoi in this little screen and everyone was literally screaming during the kiss scenes lol)

I actually bought a lot of items this year lol (spent all my money)  but I'm super happy about my purchase!

First off I got these 2 MakoHaru Doujinshis! (Anime is FREE!)~ I love these two so much! although my favorite couple is actually ReiGisa, they didnt sell that much doujinshi's of them! ; A ; buuut! these two are super adorable as well! I haven't even opened these because they're too precious!

I also got this adorable Sekaiichii Hatsukoi~ and Junjou Romantica tote bag and Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Bookmarks featuring my favorite pairs! I love Kise and Yukina because they're both so lovey dovey about each other, but of course the Trifecta couple is a crowd favorite as well! * A *

I also got these Japanese manga's by Sakuya Sakura! she used to be one of my favorite manga artists because I really love her style, but not much of her work gets translated~ so I got these two and Imma read them (at work ehehe)

I got these Touken Ranbu items! (unghhh) I got the friction pen (chika :3), a new key holder for my car keys, and a poster!

A closer look at the friction pen!

I also got this super cute iPhone 6 case! While I was browsing through their shop, I called it "Brief Case", the owner liked my term so much she gave me a free sticker! lols

And of course I got a Doukyuusei Tote bag which I used for shopping lol and I got a free gachapon item from one of the stalls!

All in all, everything I spent during the event was so worth it, and I wish I could've bought more items ; A ; the con was so much fun, even though I went alone lol

If ever I find pictures from the event organizers themselves, I'll ask permission if I can borrow some of their pics so I can blog about the event itself~

Thanks again for dropping by and see you soon!

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