Happy Anniversary to us!

by - 2/16/2015

Today (February 16th in our time) is the celebration of my 1 year anniversary with my favorite person, partner, best friend, and hubby Mike! I can't believe it's already been a year since we became a couple, I remember he courted me for 5 months before I actually said yes, I kinda dumped him a lot of times during the duration of his courtship, but I saw his determination and "love" for me (yeah me be cheesy) he cut through my ICY exterior and caught me!

Oh my gosh I'm super cheesy lol this will also be considered as my Valentine post for us, we weren't able to go out during Valentines day, but we will be celebrating this tuesday! it will be our post-valentine/1 year anniversary date! it's gonna be the best... EVAR! 

I want to thank you for being so supportive in all the activities I partake in, whether it be a Convention, anything related to Kawaii PH, blogging, eating, I know I can be childish and selfish and stubborn, but you always see past through those and you remember that I can also be adorable, cute and sweet! teehee!

I love you very much and I can't wait to see what our future will  be!

cheesyness is over~ hihi

Hope everyone had a nice Valentine~

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