This is actually a super late post, when I went to HK with a good friend, and on our last day/night in HK, we went to Disneyland and stayed at one of the hotels there! Super adorable things at the hotel and also kawaii restos inside~ ah I miss it there already, hopefully I get to travel there again with Mike hihi!
Before arriving, one has to ride the magical train!
I look super young with my braces lol! train ride to the magical land with our luggage
It was actually raining a little when we arrived, but the sun did come out after a few minutes! we also got lost on our way to the disneyland classic hotel, we actually walked quite a bit then realized when we got there, there was actually a bus service... fail moment lol
The first 2 photos were taken at around 1 am that's why there's no people lol but when we got there there were so many people! so we had to wait quite a bit which was okay because we were also waiting for the rain to stop
Finally when we checked in, I really had to take a selfie photo lol
kyaa everything was so pretty!
before going out to play, we dropped by the disney store inside the hotel first
Just had to take pics with the woody hat and jesse hat! there's a snake in my boot!
when we went out, the rain already stopped and when it did, look how sunny it became!
Yeah had to wear shades lol
Everything was so colorful and pretty! I actually took like hundreds of photos when we were walking around lol and since it was lunch time...
I ordered this because of the hot-dog looking food lol and sort of because of the egg as well ohoho this was super good
After lunch we rode a couple of cute rides that didn't have that much of a long line lol then it was time for the parade!
(will just be showing a few shots)
My favorite! I love woody!
Princess time! My favorites were facing the other way huhu
After the parade, we enjoyed the rest of the day at the Happiest place on earth!
Of course we had to have a picture with Mickey!
At night, you should never miss the amazing fireworks display by the castle! I don't have any pictures I only video taped the event lol will see if I can upload the video, it was actually quite long, 11 minutes if I'm not mistaken lol
And so we decided to rest and eat dinner at one of the hotel restaurants, it was actually a chinese/lotus themed restaurant but I can't remember the name huhu
The restaurant was really classy, we wanted to eat at a different resto which actually had like a Victorian theme, we also wanted to eat at the buffet, but we weren't able to make reservations early enough *cries* but this place was still super nice!
I was super exhausted, haha!
I ordered the crab meat with rice, it's like fish fillet, but only the inside were all crab filling, it's a crab fillet! lol! the special tea was also super good! it was sweet but also kind of sour.
After eating, we decided to take photos AT the lobby because NO ONE was there, everyone seemed to be sleeping lol
when I sent this photo to my mom, she was like "in pajamas??" and she asked me to take the minnie statue home as well haha!
We actually have A LOT of pics in our jammies, but will just share these for now lol
ah I didn't want to go home lol
It was a really fun trip! Hopefully I get to travel to HK again only this time with my lovey dovey bf lol
Anyone else want to go with me?