Weathering With You / 天気の子

by - 7/28/2019


Dyan and I finally watched Tenki no Ko, or universally known as Weathering with You! Makoto Shinkai's newest creation after his hit movie Kimi no nawa (your name), it premiered here in Japan last July 19, 2019, however since Dyan and I were both busy during that weekend, we decided to move our movie date and we finally had the time for it!

Besides actually watching the movie, we also wanted to try the famous Weathering with You themed drink from LAWSON, the Weathering With You Ameiro Jelly Tea! we read about it in the internet, and we really wanted to get our hands on it! So before heading to the mall, we dropped by the konbini and ordered the famous tea!

They also had a lot of other Weathering with You themed products!

We were so happy we got to try the drink! So here's the story on it, the drink actually changes color once you add in the syrup, much like how the weather changes with a bit of prayer in the movie!
I love the representation of the drink! plus the cup is absolutely adorable with all the Teru teru bozu and the cat mascot Ame!

It was a little sweet and a little sour at the same time, kind of like sweetened lime, mixed with a good amount of well textured jellies! This drink retails at 260 JPY at LAWSON branches in Japan!

We just had to get it before watching the movie haha!

After purchasing the tickets, we decided to get the Weathering With You popcorn set to complete the movie experience!

It comes with a Tote Bag, and inside is a box container to hold your drink and your popcorn!

The popcorn bag was also specifically designed with scenes from the movie!

This popcorn set retails at 1000 JPY at the food stand in the movie theatres!

Of course we had to take pictures with the beautiful backdrop!

and we made sure to purchase some official merch as well!

I purchased the Tenki no Ko bag charm which retailed at 1,080 JPY and the official Tenki no Ko movie booklet retailing at 800 JPY!

I also vlogged the entire day as usual! so feel free to watch my vlog!

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Overall, when it comes to my opinion and thoughts on the movie... it was really well made!
While I think this movie is actually heavier and deeper than Kimi no Na wa, there were points or parts in the movie that you would actually notice is a little dragging, but because of the beautiful art and animation of the film, you'd hardly notice the slow pace of the story, it had a beautiful but a little bit of sad ending, I guess depending on what kind of person you are...

But I love the details of the film, it was well directed, well written, and production was really on point! the seiyuu's they chose for the film were also really amazing and they brought life to the characters!

One of the things I was happy about, is the thought of a Makoto Shinkai Cinematic Universe! (now some of you may get what I mean even without watching the movie lol),  but it is something to look forward to with Shinkai's future projects!

People would obviously compare this with Kimi no na wa, I've had friends and some subscribers in my YouTube Channel ask which one is better, Kimi no Na Wa or Tenki no ko, and I think they are both masterpieces in their own way, depending on what kind of person you are, you might like one of the other better, or both!

My friend Dyan who watched this with me, really loved Tenki no ko, she was literally crying for 10 min during the ending part of the movie, but, for her, Kimi no Na Wa was still a little bit better in her opinion. She's a romantic kind of girl, so she did love the romance aspect of Kimi no na wa, and she's a fan of the school life type of genre. If you are that kind of person, you may like Kimi no na wa better.

In my case, as much as I loved Kimi no Na wa, I actually liked Tenki no ko a little bit better. As I mentioned earlier, Tenki no Ko made my chest feel heavier than Kimi no nawa, for me, 'Your Name' was a "Feel Good" anime movie, if you want to have good vibes for the day, (which was opposite for dyan lol she cried watching Your Name... and I was like... whut?.. for me Kimi no na wa is a fun movie lol), so I was basically affected in tenki no ko, the problems they had to face at a young age like finding work, being in love even though they were young, Hina, the heroine having to raise her little brother, Nagi (who btw is my fave character in the movie lol)

there was a lot going on, and I felt like the characters here have more life and was given more of a background compared to some characters in Your Name. Which is the reason why I rated Tenki no Ko a little higher than Kimi no Na wa.
This movie made me laugh multiple times, it had a lot of iconic scenes, and... I also cried, I cried because I felt touched at the scenes where everyone was helping Hodaka (the main protagonist), those scenes just touched my heart!

Overall, I would give this film a 9.5/10!

I hope you guys get the chance to see this movie!

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