Welcome back and Hello 2019

by - 1/10/2019

Obligatory Family picture 

Hey there 2019! I can't believe it's almost been a year since my last post, a lot of things have happened throughout 2018 and I'm sorry self.. I wasn't able to document them.. but! One of my goals this year is to become active in blogging again!

I do have a surprise post within this month, hopefully.. lol
So, I just want to do a QUICK recap on what has happened throughout 2018.. but the big change in 2018 was that I got a puppy! Appa!

He's now 10 months old,  but we got him when he was almost 2 months old!
We've been through a lot with him for the past 8 months he has been with us and we really love him! So excited to have him as part of our family!

Mom took the photo for this one lol

Just a little Christmas dinner appreciation post for ya'll haha!
Last Christmas was so fun! I was a little busy because of work, speaking of work.. I was also promoted this year to a Real Time Analyst post lol yay for me!

But apart from that, I've been working on something else as well

So stay tuned for a more elaborate post about that, and maybe I'll do a Q&A about it IF all goes well lol

and of course another highlight for last year was...

Let's go Pikachu and Let's go Eevee game for switch!
As a Pokemon fan, this is a big deal haha!

One of the things I've done for this year was being able to catch up with my College buddies a few days ago!

Gosh we've all grown... not that much haha!

I'm planning on figuring out what kind of blog posts  I will be posting this year, will I focus on photos?... Writing?... what kind of theme/motif will I be using for my blog this 2019? I'm still thinking about it.

But hey, welcome back to myself! 

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