Life Lately 10.31.17

by - 11/01/2017

 It's been a while! Like a month or so >< been super busy as usual, a lot of things going on at work, and nothing blog-worthy has been going on as well... but! I don't want to neglect blogging so I'll still be doing it hopefully on a monthly basis~ but yeah, a lot's been going on for the past few weeks and it mostly involves eating... I did cut my hair shorter than usual but yay for a new look!

I would say the most blog-worthy thing I did was going out with the bf 10/31/17 in order to celebrate his birthday in advance! Since his birthday is 11/2, we both have work, so we decided to celebrate early!

I gave him my birthday gift, or as I'd like to call it... Birthday Basket! lol I got him a lot of stuff! of course all things he can use! Ate at Dohtonbori and St. Marc Cafe for dessert~ It was rainy so it was hard to go out and stuff, driving was also a little harder because of it~

Doggie selfies!

Dohtonbori has some interesting posters! We sat in like a private room at the resto, and it was Japanese style, so we sat on the floor! It was sooo relaxing!

We ordered Mike's favorite, Omelette Yakisoba~

This is one of their best on the menu! It's something we'll always order when we eat there! lol

We also tried Monjayaki for the first time! We got the cheese monja! it was sooo good! (despite what it looks lol)

And of course, to finish the date off, we had dessert at our favorite, St. Marc Cafe! We were already super full at the time so I suggested we just get 1 parfait since it was big... we had a hard time finishing it lol

We both had so much fun!

I hope we get to do more stuff like this!

Thanks again for dropping by everyone!

Hope to blog soon!~

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  1. this looks like just the treat i would get if i visit the place. and after reading your post, i know i am going to do it soon enough. keep posting
