♥ PINK CRES. IN MANILA ♥ (9.9.17)

by - 9/10/2017

It's been a while since I posted, gosh I didn't realize I was so busy these past few weeks I completely neglected my blog, but! to make up for it, this post is extra special! Because... I GOT TO MEET PINK CRES. ♥♥♥ I'm so happy like my face looks like I slept with a hanger on my mouth! I can't stop smiling! lol I met a lot of new friends, and I also had a blast!

PINK CRES came to the Philippines as part of the ASEAN-Japan Television Festival 2017 representing Japan! The event was held at Trinoma Mall which is really near my place so I'm so happy! It's also free entrance!!! I didn't need to pay for anything! A few of my friends arrived super early like when the mall just opened, and they actually waited by the event, all prepared with this tarp!

The event organizers noticed this and let us in! so we got a really good spot, not too near because we would need to look up the stage, and not too far, it was just right! PINK CRES was the 2nd group to perform and they performed 3 songs:
2. Kirei. Kawaii. Mirai
3. Summer Wonderland

We were also given free pink Glow Sticks and it was really fun!
While waiting for the event to start, I met 3 Japanese girls who flew all the way from Japan just for this, and they're actually going back right away the day after ;_; But we're friends in LINE now and in Twitter lol

Haru, Tamago, and Toto! They said they thought I was japanese!~ I got to practice my nihongo again after so long, I;m glad I still sound natural and understandable~ they brought their PINK CRES towels with them, and even wore PINK CRES shirts! They were also originally a fan of Berryz Koubou like me and loved Miyabi! The 4 of us talked about Hello!Project, old and new! it was so much fun!

But of course the tension started when PINK CRES went out!

(there's my glow stick lol)

I'm so happy that the Filipino fans were also really supportive! It was like a dream! they were so near! everything was so surreal! the things I just used to watch at DVD concerts, I somehow experienced it here! (too bad the performance was too short ><) we're all hoping they felt the warm support and decide to come back or hold a mini concert!

(these photos from Tamago's professional camera lol she was so prepared!)
Ah Hikaru and Yuuka look so cute!

and of course!

MIYABIIIIIIIIII *A* (fangirling at its finest lol)

She looks like she's waving at us!!! ohohohoho!
I've been a Hello!Project fan since 2005, (12 years!) and I'm the same age range as the H!P Kids so I'm still pretty sad they've all graduated, but I'm happy that Miyabi (my favorite Berryz Koubou member) decided to continue being an idol and formed this group! PINK CRES is such a fun and cute group to watch!

And of course after the performance is the interview portion! So happy to hear they're had fun even though their stay was short~

Of course after their segment, we all went down and tried to wait for them, it was a waiting game for us! but we didn't lose!

Some photos of me and Haru, Tamago and Totochan while waiting for PINK CRES

And finally... We met them! up close!

We got to meet them!! I was at the very front! they shook my hand and talked to me a bit! Hikaru and Yuuka said my Japanese was very good they thought I flew from Japan to see them! They were shocked when I told them I was not Japanese lol I was able to tell miyabi that I have been a fan since her Berryz Koubou days and she was so thankful and shook my hand again! (I'm such a fan girl right now lol)

And not only that...

We were able to take selfies! I'm really so happy! The three of them were so nice! They tried to attend to every request the fans made, and they were even the ones holding the cellphones/camera's of the fans and they were the ones taking selfies with us!

Hikaru asked me if I was okay since I was being squished since I was at the front, and everyone at the back was pushing lol (sweet <3)

They even signed my Vicchan/Makacchin phone case!

Ah this is one the happiest days of my life! It was all worth it! the wait, and all that. WORTH IT!

Toto sent me this photo via LINE

Kyaa! Me taking my selfie with Miyabi! <3 thanks so much!

And of course! A group photo with the fans! (this was at the earlier part, and the other fans we're here yet) but miya was so nice! all the group photos from different fans cellphones were all taken by her! <3 so sweet and adorable!

There's me at the very front lol

Overall, I'm so happy! I met new friends with the same love for Hello Project and PINK CRES, I met PINK CRES, not just meet, but was able to talk with them for a while, and took photos with them! ah I'm so happy! I hope they consider coming back for another live >< hopefully longer!


PINK CRES WEBSITE: http://www.pinkcres.com/
PINK CRES BLOG: https://ameblo.jp/pinkcres/
PINK CRES TWITTER: https://twitter.com/pinkcres_staff


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