Kawaii PH 2-day Garage Sale

by - 6/05/2016

The 2 day Kawaii PH Garage sale was a success! We had new items in store for everyone such as b-side label stickers, official Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon goods from Rainbowholic, and Japanese branded items and Larme Magazines from Candy Kawaii Lover! I also got some stuff myself since everything is just so kawaii! lol!

Rainbowholic items! Cute socks, SWIMMER items, candy kits, Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon goods!

Candy Kawaii Lover WEGO items and Larme magazines!

Kawaii clothes from Rainbowholic, Loot Book, Candy Kawaii Lover, and dresses from Dolly Kaye were also on sale! Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty plushies were also included! (as usual :))


Of course the b-side label stickers were a huge hit! There's also a variety of designs and sizes!

And lastly, Whimsicute items and Mad Tee Party shirts!

The items I got were the WEGO items from Candy Kawaii Lover, like the mermaid bag, mermaid clip and earrings, Artbox hand cream, and some b-side label stickers!

I so love the items!

Thank you to everyone who dropped by the Garage sale this month! See you next time!

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