October Kawaii Box Review + Giveaway!

by - 12/12/2015

Another Kawaii day has arrived! I finally got my 2nd Kawaii Box from none other than the amazing http://www.kawaiibox.com/ people! I was super excited to see what's inside their October release and they never failed to impress me! I seriously love the items in this box! Every month they have different kawaii finds and compile it into one big box of happiness!  

If you want to see my previous kawaii box review and giveaway, here's the link to my post!

They also have another type of box which is the Japan Candy Box! I also got a box from them and did a review and hosted a giveaway! 
Just in case you guys also want to try other things and get to try out kawaii candies!

So! to start of, when I got the box it kinda got squished, I guess because of the shipping, plus I'm not surprised with how our post office handles things..

The items are wrapped in a kawaii paper with their logo on it and the cute welcome card with the list of the items included as well!

When I removed the paper, I was so happy to see the pencil case! haha I love it!

So here are the candy themed items, Included is this super cute Ballpen that looks like a real christmas lollipop! A fun DIY sort of candy kit with sushis, and the super adorable UNCHIKUN poop lollipop haha!

I seriously love this poop candy haha! plus it's minty! lol

Another sticker I can add to my collection! (which I will be featuring soon!)

Small cute coinpurses and my favorite new pencil case! (I'm already using it haha!)

And some items you can use for decoden, and stationary writing/collecting and of course adorable stamps to go with it! 

Overall, I really liked the October month's box! It came in a little late because of all the holidays our country had these past few weeks or so, but I'm super happy I had the chance to host a giveaway again!

Hope you enjoyed this post and please do join the giveaway! (its international btw)


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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