Kawaii PH Halloween Party!!

by - 11/02/2015

Happy Halloween everyone!! Last October 31, 2015, Kawaii PH held it's first halloween party!! It was a blast! It happened at Staple and Perk Bakery in Pasong Tamo and the tickets for this event was sold out! There were games, freebies, kawaii loot bags with items sponsored by a lot of Kawaii shops, a Kawaii PH store pop up booth, food, and more! It was a fun event and a lot of Kawaii peeps gathered in their Kawaii/kowaii/Kawaii x Kowaii costume!!

We played Charades, Trip to Hell, a Karaoke type contest, blow the plastic balloon, bring me, and so much more! I played Trip to Hell and the Blow the Plastic Balloon contest lol

I was the 5th one who lost during the trip to hell game I think, lol so close!

There was nothing coming out of my tube so nona shared hers with me lol Thanks bab!!

I look so small next to Naomi, my fellow Kawaii PH blogger! hihi! she's so adorable!

My balloon is as small as me (lol) and of course I lost hahaha!

It was a super fun event and of course, as always, selcas are a must!

Photo with Master!

Towards the end, when Master was announcing the winners for the best costumes, to our surprise, Armaine and I were called as well! we were acknowledged and rewarded for our 1 year anniversary as Kawaii PH interns and becoming part of the Kawaii PH Family!! It's been a year! time flies so fast!

Kaila has shared to the audience the work that Armaine and I did, contributed and made for the Kawaii PH team! It's an honor to be a part of such an amazing family!

And the group photos should never be missed! The event overall was an amazing experience both for me and the Kawaii PH family!! I also want to thank everyone who came and made this event extra special and fun!! Will now be dumping random selca's with everyone!

My 4-shot with master (rainbowholic) with our "Jolina" bangs lolol!

With my Sinsan Kaye (dolly kaye) and my Bab Nona (Vanillafairy)!

With mommy Chichi (littlemisspaintbrush) as the White Witch and me as the Dark Witch!, my fellow Kawaii PH intern Armaine, and SK's Sachi!

With Armaine, and Celina the Unicorn! Teen Queen! lols

My OOTD during the event~ wearing a dress from Candy Kawaii Lover (miss you Ashley!)

Well! That's all for this long post lol thank you for reading till the end ohoho! Did you celebrate halloween or dress up as someone or something? haha!


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  1. I wanted to be part of the family! Looks fun :)

  2. Lucky! your one year with the kawaii ph team already! i also want to try be a part of the team :) the party looked so fun!

    1. yes it's such a blessing! maybe next time you can try! :D

  3. I hope someday I could join you guys. huhuhu.. maybe Kawaii in Cebu or Kawaii in Manila 3.

    Vanessa | Ai ♥ Capture Memories

    1. I super like Kawaii in Cebu! hopefully you'll be able to visit Kawaii in Manila 3!! :D
