I can't believe how fast the time flies.. It feels like yesterday I just got you and you were this tiny little cottonball baby, who walked so slow because you were so small and cuddly... now... You sleep on my bed, you sometimes hump our legs, you like to run around and play hide and seek... and you're also 1 year older..
Happy birthday to my special baby boy, Appa!
I know I planned a huge birthday party for you last year, I was thinking of which dog cafe to go to, what kind of cake, balloons, etc...
But I got so busy and it's sad that I was not there to celebrate your first birthday with you...
But! I know my mom and dad, or your Mimi and Dada will take care of you while I am away, and while your daddy Mike is busy..
I know you weren't prepared for this, but thanks to mom and dad for trying to celebrate it even if its not the grand celebration I planned for~
Thank you guys!
My brothers were apparently so busy trying to get his attention so he would look at the camera while my mom was taking the picture lol
Appa's first birthday cake! which is smothered before taking a picture lol
My happy boy!
I will be back in the Philippines for his 2nd birthday, and we will celebrate it in the grandest way possible lol
Love you appa!