MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! It's the 24th and I hope everyone had a great Christmas Eve~ ours was pretty simple this year since both my mom and dad are sick! ;_; but, still, a simple celebration but with the family is still the best! Plus, Mike spent the 24th at home so yay! Tomorrow I'll spend Christmas day with his family~
Our celebration today was pretty simple, we had tasty dinner, awesome desserts, present opening and of course midnight snacks! I wasn't able to take a photo of the Christmas dinner since I just woke up that time and was super hungry lol but my mom prepared classic Filipino dishes for a change! Her specialty Sinigang na Baboy, our all time favorite! Crispy Pata, and Lumpiang Shanghai! My older brother also bought food from their house which he made himself! He made Spaghetti, Fried Chicken, and Chicken Macaroni Salad!
We had tons of Chocolates for desserts since we weren't able to buy a cake (last minute lol) but my mom bought my 2 week request... DUNKIN DONUTS WITH CHOCO BUTTERNUT! lol
We also had cake slices and Pizza for midnight snacks! that I was able to take a picture of lol but my mom and dad had to rest early since there were both sick! ;A; so we weren't able to go out, but Mike came and we watched the latest Dragon Ball movie (anime of course lol) with my brother, it was so sudden and random, we played 3ds and we also played card games!
When Mike went home, I binge watched Yuri on Ice, AGAIN!
It's just so beautiful! *sniff sniff* I HOPE THERE WOULD BE TONS OF DOUJINSHIS FOR THIS!!! *AAA*
Christmas eve was so far quiet and peaceful, but still very relaxing and calming~ which is what I really need right now due to all the stress and changes at work~
But still! hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas eve!
Merry Christmas from my family to yours! ~