Hi lovelies! Earlier today, me and my boyfriend mike went out and made some last minute Christmas shopping! It's been a while since we've been on a date and we were super tired earlier! We had a quick snack at a very kawaii mini chocolate fondue place!
The chocolate is super good and tasty! plus it's super affordable!! the small cup (with any fruit included) is only 35 php!!
Mike ordered the small cup with assorted fruits in it, in my case I only asked for Banana and Melon~
(there was no strawberry that time! ;A;) and of course a date won't be complete without more pictures and selfies!

Hihi! Mike looking all cute and happy with his Milk Chocolate dip! they have dark chocolate dip, milk chocolate dip, and white chocolate dip! there are other food included as well!
Okay so here's a stolen shot that mike took! I told him to wait cos' I was about to eat one and he still pressed the button!
So after eating a snack we went shopping for shoes, Cause I wanted to buy new sneakers, and also looked for kawaii bags (to no avail) and also some kawaii clothes~
and that's how our day went! it's already the 24th! Almost Christmas everybody! Please look forward to a year end post and a blog name change update!
While strolling in the mall with my boyfriend mike, I noticed this Mister Donut stall had Katakana written under it, normally, Mister Donut's here in the Philippines are like just the normal local donut stores we have here ( always thought it was local ) So we decided to check it out, and realized they were selling Japanese Donuts (just like what Mister Donut in Japan have in their line up) and kawaii animal donuts as well!
I also love the ambiance of the place, it's just a small stall in the middle with small tables and chairs included~ plus they're not that expensive! which is something very important of course, since it's christmas time, gift giving and exchanging so people are tight on budget!
Here's what I ordered (Mike ordered something different, he just ordered regular donuts lol)
Animal Donuts! these are just 10 php per piece, and there are still other animals as well, but I can't remember what they were~ lol!
My favorite out of the three! Chocolate and Vanilla! I think it's a puppy??? not reallt sure, haha! but yeah looks like a puppy, but the vanilla cream is super yummy plus the chocolate dough is super soft, and kind of chunky in the inside!
And yes, I assume this is a cute neko-chan! I think it's still vanilla flavored, but just with a different color~
Of course never miss a kawaii buta/piggy in the collection! This one is strawberry flavored one and I love it! it's super tasty, but very sweet it's just the right amount~
After we ate we went shopping, and omg bought kawaii stuff and will be posting them soon!
and this date won't be complete without a selfie! although I took Mike's Picture~
I'm wearing the "Full Time Magical Girl" t shirt from the Kawaii PH store by MAD TEE PARTY! promoting Kawaii PH while shopping, and mike also helped me plan the Kawaii Fashion show for the Tamashii Convention in March 2015!
And that's it for today's post!
Bye lovelies!
Hey Kawaii lovers!
Recently, Kaila and I have been chatting about which Shoujo anime we like better, Sailor Moon or Card Captor Sakura, we both agreed we like Card Captor Sakura better, and we both posted kawaii Card Captor Sakura Collection!
Some of these I've had since I was in grade school especially the Clow cards and the Sakura doll!
This Sakura Doll was a gift from my grandma and the 4 kawaii cards were included in the pack as well! she also has a back pack included and socks and her black shoes, but I need to find the back pack first, I put the socks and shoes in there! And if you're wondering, yes you can remove the hat!
And I love these clow cards with the book! One thing I love about this is the book is not just some cardboard box, it's kind of soft, but hard at the same time, and sort of leathery? and of course I have all Clow cards! My mom bought me these randomly when we were at a mall when I was younger, I also used to have Sakura Cards but I guess they weren't original because the book was made of like a regular box with sakura's pic in front, and the sakura cards were thinner than the clow cards, but someone borrowed it and never returned it, now I'm not sure who I lent it to~
I also have the DVD of the whole series including the movies in English Subtitle! yep because I don't like the English dub that much because they did alter some of the meaning (or rather they changed the translation and meaning of what the characters were actually saying) and it altered the characters in the anime. Those Limited Edition Jacket Collection Cards were a gift, but can't remember from who~ I still have a lot more limited edition cards in an album, but these were the first batch I got~
Of course one can not go on with the manga! I also have the 12 original japanese manga's of Card Captor Sakura! these were from my friend Kalix!
And one of the first OST's I got for myself when I was in high school!
I used to always listen to all the songs in this CD, this CD includes all the OP, ED themes and the theme songs of the 1st and 2nd movie as well!
by the way, here's Kaila's Card Captor Sakura collection!

She bought these goodies in Japan! check out her blog! http://the.rainbowholic.me/
She also put up a Card Captor Sakura Club so please be sure to like the FB page and look forward to the club website to be updated with any CCS merchandise and collection and giveaways!

Feel free to blog and post your kawaii Sakura Collection as well!
Bye lovelies!
Hello Kawaii readers! So if you recently visited the Kawaii.ph website, there is a recent entry regarding Daiso Japan Store's kawaii goods and items! So I decided to shop there with my boyfriend Mike who helped me choose a couple of Kawaii items and of course Japanese snacks!
I actually spent about 1000+ php for these items and was overwhelmed with all the stuff I saw at the store while strolling around~ plus there were actually more goods but of course, I think I already bought enough items for the day! lol
Most items starts at 88 php, and of course there are more expensive items included, but most of their merchandise is either at 88 or 66, or even 44 php! First thing I got on the list are the Sanrio related items!
I'm really loving my Hello Kitty Silicone Ice tray!
I'm plan on trying like a chocolate ice coffee thingy that I can bring to work and it would look even more kawaii with my Ice looking like Hello Kitty! Next on the list is the Sanrio Plastic Bags I bought for travelling so I can pack things in a more kawaii way!
They're like the bags where you can close them with a string attached inside, the Little Twin Star one is a smaller bag, so it becomes like a pouch when you close it, as for the Hello Kitty one, it's a rather large plastic bag where there's also like a handle included when you close it which makes it like a back pack which is super convenient for travelling! And last thing I bought that is related to Sanrio is...
This Little Twin Star oil strip thingy, not sure what you actually call it, because I don't use these, but my friends all had these when we were in school and I think they call it Oil Paper, they use the local ones that you buy in drug stores or groceries to like, wipe the oil out of the tzone or what not, but I never used these, so I bought this cause I thought it was cute, but didn't know what it was~ when I opened it at home, it was oil paper lol!
Now moving on to the snacks!
All of these are super good! The Strawberry Apollo one and the Choco Baby ones are chocolates that I;ve been buying for 14 years, yes I remember the first time my dad bought one for me~ lol
This looks good so I bought it cause I love chocolate!
And now I've ruined my diet with all these sweets and snacks haha!
I also got this Kawaii Strawberry bin!
Still not sure what to do with this though, it's too cute to use as a trash bin for me lol~ haha! and last but not least, my favorite item!
This Kawaii Flower shop box (which I think can also be a chair lol) it's super huge and super cute! I especially love the design!
Isn't the this kawaii?? If your purchase is more than 500 php, you can buy this at only 288 php! I think the original price of this item according to the store clerk was around 800 php! So I deliberately bought items which would reach more than 500 so I could purchase this at 288 php! lol haha!
and that's it for this haul! Please look out for my next Kawaii hunt and review! A kawaii box is on it's way and a giveaway as well so look forward to it!